Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bar Dudes

I was having a "quick sip" as they say with my friend Jeremy. There was no one at the bar that night very interesting so I invented these guys.


John Nevarez said...

Dave, great drawing!!! YOur past sketches are amazing as well. I definitely see a "story" in this last one. Keep up the great work!

Jeremy Spears said...

Looks great, looks like you drew you and I and I'm the larger one with the cigarette. Funny! Keep posting dude!


Unknown said...

Great drawing!! love the kids drawing as well ... agree with John, there is definitly an interesting story in the bar drawing!! Great work!

Paul Tuller said...

you sketches have so much character in them!

Jeremy Spears said...

Hey dave,
I made it here in San Luis! I'll talk to you more soon!!! I'm loving it already so much!!! Thats alot of exclamations.


Lára said...

Really nice :)

Shawn Escott said...

Cool Blog Dave! Keep posting !

Dave James said...

Thanks, Shawn!

Your sketched and drawings are amazing. I feel inspired!


Adrien Rivera said...

photoshop it is.. i have embraced the future that is computers! lol

i tried this weeks sketch.. mines very last minute.. was rackig my brain a lil too hard trying to come up with an idea!

anyhoo its at the link at my old blog.. i dont like that style anymore.. text keeps disapearing!


Jeremy Spears said...

Where's your sketch Mister? I want to see your sports playing animal, I was anticipating to see a new DJ drawing today. Maybe it will mysteriously appear tommorow...or so I hope!!!! Later


Adrien Rivera said...

uh oh!! someones BUSTED! lol

whip it out.. the sketch that is!

Mark McDonnell said...

Nice sketch, great characters.


Paige Keiser said...

Hey, those are the two guys who keep hitting on me in bars! lol ;-) Really nice sketch!