This cartoon "Night of the Ambiens" won first prize within the cartoon club that I belong call The Wisenheimer. It is a great online forum where catoonists chat and talk about cartoons and other important world events.
So anyhoo. Nice to be recognized.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I won!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
New Cartoon...Finally!
Here is a "blue line" as I call them, or "sketch" in any other universe, of my latest cartoon idea.
Looking into new ink and halftone techniques, I will probably end up right back to my usual way of ink and wash. Who knows I may discover something fresh and set the world of cartooning on fire.
Actually, the world of magazine cartooning is on the "Endangered Species" list. So, please, donate when you can and remember, no poaching!
I'm looking into Coquille/Stipple board...yes, I'm that old.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Ad Free
I've decided to joing the AD FREE blog world again. I apologize for the ugly ads I had on my sidebar. NO more.
Good to be King!
My friend Jeremy was drawing illustrations for his version of The Emperor's Clothes.
I felt inspired to sketch.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
WOO HOO! Sold 2 cartoons!
I'm excited. I sold 2 cartoons to a "men's" magazine. (wink, wink...nudge, nudge...know what I mean)
I hope to post them here after they run.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
My NEW Website (almost)
Hey everyone! I'm in the middle of updating my website here.
I want to have it focus on my new cartooning adventure.
The only buttons that work for now are the "Adult" and the "General". Here you can see some of my latest cartoons. I'm going to try and sell some of these, but I haven't worked out the pricing structure yet.
Anyway, let me know what you think! Please!